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About Me

Jul 30

1 min read




So, where to begin? I’ve wanted to write a blog covering music things for a little while. I have a regular monthly blog which I started after the pandemic and I’ve been thinking about a music gear blog to share my own experiences of using the gear that I use. I’ve seen lots of paid articles, reviews in online magazines when I’ve been researching specific items, but not many which are written by people who actually use the gear as part of their music-making setup. I enjoy writing about these sorts of things and I hope my enthusiasm comes across as well as a sense of balance and understanding of drawbacks or problems with each of the pieces I write about.

All of the pieces of gear I write about will be pieces of gear that I either use or have used in the past, all the gear I use has been bought out of my own pocket. I don’t know if I will have a specific format for the reviews, I won’t be giving any stars or anything like that. I might include a sub-heading just to give a soundbite / snapshot idea of what the review will cover. Think of these articles more as extended and less formal versions of the reviews you can find on Thomann, Sweetwater, Amazon, that sort of thing. I’m always happy to hear feedback, I’m not a professional writer so I may get things a bit topsy-turvy at first, do drop me a comment if there’s something you either want to ask or if you want to add your experiences.

Thanks for reading!

Jul 30

1 min read





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